(( With ARDOR and FAITH )) - by - Pastor Henry George ( Sask.)

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7/12/2019 9:49 am  #16

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

 (( Christmas Day )) Unto Us a Boy is Born ! King of all Creation . Came He to a world forlorn . The Lord of Every Nation . Cradled n a Stall was he , with sleepy Cows and Asses ; But the very Beasts could see , That He All Men Surpasses . Herod then with Fear was Filled ; " A Prince ," He said ," in Jewry ! " All The Little Boys he killed , At Bethlem in His Fury . Now may Mary's Son , who came , So long ago to Love Us , Lead Us All with Hearts aflame , Unto The Joys above Us . He The Source and He the End ! Let the Organ Thunder ,.While Our Happy Voices rend , The jocund Air asunder 1 ( 15TH - century by Canon Percy ) ((( 2 ))) = Christmas Day ))) When Christ was born of Mary free , In Bethlehem . that fair citie , Angels sang ther with mirth and glee ," In excelsis Gloria ." Herdsmen beheld these Angels Bright , To Them appearing with great light , Who said , God's Son is Born this Night , This King is Come to Save Mankind . In Scripture Promised as we to Mind . Grant Us , O Lord , for Thy Great Grace , In Heaven in Bliess to see Thy Face , Where We may sing to thy Solace .: In Excelsis Gloria . " ( by - Traditional - 15Th Century ) = Second Prayer For CHRISTMAS DAY = GOOD Christian MEN and WOMEN  , Rejoice , With Heart and Soul and Voice , Give Ye heed to what We Say : NEWS ! NEWS  ! JESUS CHRIST Is BORN TO-DAY :  OX and ASS Before Him BOW , And HE is in THE MANGER NOW . CHRIST Is BORN TO-DAY . GOOD Christian Men and WOMEN , Rejoice , With HEART and SOUL and VOICE ; Now Ye Hear Of ENDLESS BLISS : JOY ! JOY ! JESUS CHRIST Was BORN FOR THIS ! HE hath Oped The HEAVENLY DOOR , And MAN and WOMAN Is In BLESSED EVERMORE , CHRIST Is BORN FOR THIS ! GOOD Christian MEN and WOMEN , REJOICE , WITH HEART and SOUL and VOICE ! Now Ye Need Not FEAR THE GRAVE : PEACE ! PEACE ! JESUS CHRIST Was BORN TO SAVE ! CALLS  YOU ONE and CALLS YOU ALL , To Gain HIS EVERLASTING HALL : CHRIST Was BORN TO SAVE . CHRIST Was BORN TO SAVE . ( Amen ) author by - Rev. John . Neale - 1853 - ( copy by ) - Pastor Henry George  Sask ( Have MERRY and HAPPY CHRISTMAS ) = i (((( if this is TRUE STORY = he was born in dirty and unclean Place = bugs = mice = Rats = and the terrible SMELL from the ANIMALS and Birds and Insects all kinds = some Reptiles =  no one in his RIGHT MIND would put a new born BABY in this Terrible Environment and his wife = they where better to sleep out side or  man made tent = it was not the cold outside or night = (( I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS this fiction story = created by the christian people and roman catholic church in 13 century ago = when 80% people was DUMP and believe in everythings = fear of everything = ))))

Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (8/01/2024 3:43 pm)

devoted to religious beliefs and observances

7/12/2019 10:16 am  #17

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

 (( Good Friday )) We Sing The Praise of Him who Died ., Of Him who Died upon the Cross : The Sinner's Hope let Men Deride : For this We Count The world but Loss . Inscribed upon the Cross We see , In Shinning Letters , God is Love : He bears Our Sins upon The Tree ; He Brings Us Mercy from Above . the Cross - it Takes Our Guilt Away : It Hods The Fainting Spirit Up : It Cheers with Hope The Gloomy Day , And Sweetens Every Bitter Cup . It Makes The Coward Spirit Brave , and Nerves the feeble Arm for Fight : It Takes its Terror from ThE grave , And gilds the Bed of Death with Light ( by - rev .Thomas Keely 1815 )  =  Behold The Lamb of God : which Taketh away the Sin of The world , He was wounded for our transgressions , He was Bruised for our Iniquities : the Chastisement of our Peace was upon Him ; and wit Stripes we are Healed . Herein is Love , not that we Loved Gopd , but that He Loved Us : and send His Son to be the Propitiation for Our Sins . Worthy is The Lamb that was Slain : to receive Power , and Riches , and Wisdom , and Strength , and Honour , and Glory , and Blessing . Glory be the Father , and to the Son ; and in The Holy Ghost , As it was in the beginning , is now , and ever shall be : world without end : AMEN   ((( Easter Day ))) Christ Our Passover is sacrificed for us ; therefore let us keep the feast : Not with the old Leaven , nor with the leaven of Malice and Wickedness : But with the Unleavened Bread of sincerity and Truth . Christ being Raised from The Dead dieth No More Death hath No More Dominion Oever Him . For in that He Died , He Died unto Sin once : but in that He Liveth , He Liveth unto God . Likewise reckon ye also Yourselves to be Dead indeed unto Sin : but Alive unto God , Through Jesus Christ Our lord ( Rom: 6.9 )  ((( For Easter ))) Take up Thy Crosss , the Saviour Said , If Thou wouldst My Disciple Be : Deny Thyself , The world Forsake , And Humbly Follow After Me . Take Up Thy Cross ; Let not its Weight , Fill Thy weak Spirit with Alarm ; His Strength shall Bear Thy Spirit Up . And Brace Thy Heart , and Nerve Thine Arm . Take Up Thy Cross , Nor Heed The shame , Nor let Thy Foolish Pride Rebel ; Thy Lord for Thee The Cross Endured , To save Thy Soul from Death and Hell . Take Up Thy Cross then in His Strenght , And Calmly every Danger Brave ; " Twill guide Thee to a Better Home , And Lead to Victory O'er The grave , Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Christ , Nor think till death to Lay It down ; For only He who bears The Cros , May Hope to Wear The Glorious Crown . To Thee , Great Lord , the one in Three , all Praise for Evermore Ascend ; O grant Us in our Home to See , The heavenly Life that Knows No End - AMEN - ( by - Rev. C.W. Everest - 1833 - )  ((( Resurrection ))) On the Ruserrection Morning Soul and Body meet again : No More sorrow , No More Weeping , No More Pain . Here awhile they must be Parted , And The Flesh its Sabbath Keep , Waiting in a Holy Stllness , Wrapt in Sleep . For a Space The Tired Body , Lies with feet toward The dawn ; Till there breaks the Last and Brighhtest Easter Morn . But The Soul in Contemplation , Utters Earnest Prayer and strong . Bursting at The Resurrection , Into song . Soul and Body Reunited , Thenceforth Nothing shall Divide , Waking Up In Christ's own Likeness , Satisfled . O The Beauty , O The Gladness , Of that Resurrection Day , Which shal not through Endless Ages , Pass Away . On that Happy Easter Morning , Al the Graves Their Dead Restore ; Father , Sister , Child , and Mother , Meet Once More . The Brightest of All Meetings . Bring Us , Jesus Christ , at Last ; To Thy Cross , through Death and Judgment , Holding Fast . - AMEN _ ( by - Rev. S.B. Gould - 1864 - ) ( copy - by ) Pastor Henry George  Sask. (( I don't BELIEVE in This Fiction STORY )) you can 

Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (8/01/2024 3:41 pm)

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7/12/2019 10:52 am  #18

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

'((( Mother's Day ))) A Mother who Always Cares , A Mother who's Always There , A Mother who Always Prays , A Mother who Always Stays , When Things get Rough , When Life gets Tough , When all is just to Much to Bear , Gods word she Shares ,  God's Light to Shines , So blessed  God , Made These  Mothers  ( Author Unknown ) copy - by - Pastor  Henry George Sask ( Remember This Some Don't Have A good Mother out There )

Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/13/2019 9:52 am)

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7/12/2019 11:16 am  #19

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

 ((( Father's Day ))) for being My Guide , My Support and My Spirit , Caring Friend and Dad , yesterday , today ,and Always , Happy Father's Day ( Arthor Unknown ) copy - by - Pastor Henry George  Sask

Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/13/2019 9:53 am)

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7/12/2019 5:18 pm  #20

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

 ((( Valentine's Day )))You are All That , I have Longed For , you made My Dreams come True , There is no Greater Gift to have ,  than being Loved by You ( Arthor Unknown ) (( 2 )) for it was not into My Ear , You Whispered , but into My Heart . It was not My Lips You Kissed but My Soul ( Arthor Unknown ) (( 3 )) The Way  You  Say you Love Me  The Way You Hold My Hand , The Way you Always Amaze Me , That's The Way Our Love Expand (( Arthor Unknown )) copy - by - Pastor Henry George  Sask

Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/13/2019 9:53 am)

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