((( Getting Through " GRIEF " ))) Some Experts Consider This to be The most Important FACTOR in Getting Through GRIEF . Yet , at Times , You may want to BE ALONE , YOU MAY EVEN FEEL IRRITATED at those who are trying To HELP YOU ( THIS IS NORMAL ) Do not FEEL that You must Always be AROUND OTHERS , but so not Completely Push THEM Away Either . After ALL , you May Need Their SUPPORT IN THE FUTURE . Kindly Let OTHERS Know What YOU Need at the MOMENT and What You DO NOT . According to YOUR NEEDS , Find A BALANCE BETEEN TIME With Other PEOPLE and TIME ALONE . A Balanced Diet will HELP with THE STRESS That COMES from DEALING with GRIEF . Try to EAT a Variety Of FRUITS , VEGETABLETS , and LEAN PROTEINS . DRINK Plenty of WATER and OTHER HEALTHFUL LIQUIDS . If YOUR APPETITE IS LOW , EAT Small PORTIONS More Frequently , you May also Ask YOUR DOCTOR About Nutrition Supplements . BRISK WALKS and OTHER FORMS OF EXERCISE can Lessen Negative EMOTIONS , Exercise can Provide Time to REFLECT ON YOUR LOSS or TO TAKE A BREAK FROM THINKING ABOUT IT . SLEEP is Always IMPORTANT , but this is especially so for those WHO ARE GRIEVING , AS GRIEF CAN BRING EXTRA FATIGUE . BE CAREFUL With the amount of CAFFEINE and ALCOHOL You CONSUMER as Both can INTERFERE With Your SLEEP . Recognize that EVERYONE GRIEVES DIFFERENTLY , ULTIMATELY , YOU will Need to Determine The Strategy That works best for You . Many find that Expressing Their GRIEF to Others Helpd THEM DEAL all With IT , while OTHERS Prefer Not To EXPRESS THEIR GRIEF , Experts have Various OPINIONS as to Whether Expressing ONE'S FEELING Is VITAL TO SUCCESS in COPING WITH GRIEF ., If YOU Need to Confide in SOMEONE but are HESTITANT To Do SO ., YOU Might Find it EASIER to Start Small By Expressing Some Of YOUR FEELING TO A CLOSE FRIEND . SOME PEOPLE Find That CRYING HELPS Them DEAL with THEIR GRIEF , While OTHERS Seem TO COPE EVEN Though THEY CRY LESS . Some Bereaved ONES Try to EASE THEIR EMOTIONAL PAIN Through THE MISUSE OF ALCOHOL or DRUGS . SUCH " ESCAPE " Is SELF_DESTRUCTIVE , ANY RELIEF A PERSON Maay FEEL is SHORT-LIVED , Only to be FOLLOWED BY MAJOR NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES . Try Harmless WAYS TO CALM YOUR ANXIETIES . Many Find It HELPFUL To ALTERNATE PERIODS Of GRIEVING ( Experiencing and Dealing with THEIR EMOTIONS ) with Temporary BREAKS ( Activities that Friendships Distance THEM FROM THEIR PAIN ) You may Find TEMPORARY , THE BALANCE Will Likely CHANGE . You may NOTICE that A Natural Part of THE HEALING PROCESS . AS SOON As Possible , Resume A NORMAL ROUTINE . When YOU Hold to a Routine For SLEEP , WORK , and OTHER ACTIVITIES , YOU will Likely REGAIN A SENSE OF NORMALCY . KEEPING YOURSELF Occupied with Positive Activities Can HEKP to MITIGATE PAINFUL EMOTIONS . Many Who Makr BIG DECISIONS soon after LOSING A LOVED ONE One later REGET THOSE DECISIONS . If Possible , Waith For A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME Before MOVING , CHANGING JOBS , or DISCARDING YOUR LOVED ONE'S BELONGINGS { This IS VERY IMPORTANT } Many Bereaved ONES FEELit is BENEFITICIAL To Do THINGS That HELP Keep ALIVE THEIR MEMORY of THE PERSON WHO HAS DIED . { Yes This is GOOD } You Might Find it Therapeutic To COLLECT PICTURES or MEMEMENTOS or To CREATE A JOURNAL Of Events and Stories YOU Wish To RECALL . STORE ITEMS That TRIGGER PLEASANT MEMORIES and LOOK Through THEM Later , When YOU FEEL READY ( This Is GOOD ) You Might Consider Taking A VACATION . If a Lengthy VACATION is Not PRACTICIAL , Perhaps YOU Can Do SOMETHING ENJOYABLE For Just A DAY or TWO , Such as HIKING , VISITING A MUSEUM , or TAKING A DRIVE . Even a Brief Change OF PACE Can HELP YOU COPE with YOUR GRIEF (( I HAVE Nothing ABOUT CHILDREN GRIEF and GRIEVING PARENT - Sorry - )) Copy - by - Pastor Henry George , Sask.
Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/17/2019 10:16 pm)
PART TWO = GRIEVING = Remember that ANY TIME YOU can SPEND Being Of HELP To Others can HELP YOU FEEL BETTER . You Might Start by HELPING OTHERS who have been AFFECTED By THE LOSS OF YOUR LOVED ONE Such as FRIENDS or RELATIVES who may Need A GRIEFING COMPANION . SUPPORTING and COMFORTING OTHERS can Give RENEWED JOY and A SENSE OF PURPOSE That May SEEM TO BE LACKING . GRIEF can Provide New INSIGHTS into WHAT TRULY MATTERS . TAKE ADVANTAGE of The Opportunity to EVALUATE How YOU ARE USING YOUR LIFE . AS Needed , Make ADJUSTMENTS In YOUR PRIORITIES ((( UPDATE = Grieving = ))) ACCEPT Support From FAMILY and FRIENDS - According To Your NEEDS , Balance TIME SPENT with OTHERS and TIME SPENT ALONE . WATCH Your Diet , and Make Time for Exercise - Eat Healthful FOOD , DRINK PLENTY Of WATER , and Exercise MODERATELY . GET PLENTY Of SLEEP - Recognize That SLEEP is Essential to DEALING with The Fatigue of GRIEFING (( DREAMS Do Affect SLEEP )) . BE FLEXIBLE - Since Everyone GRIEVES DIEFERENTLY , Find What WORKS FOR YOU . AVOID SELF_DESTRUCTIVE HABITS - Avoid the Misuse of ALCOHOL or DRUGS - which Create More Problems Than IT SOLVES . BALANCE YOUR TIME - Alternate Periods of GRIEVING With TIME for SOCIATIZING and RECREATION . KEEP A ROUTINE - Regain A Sense of NORMALCY by Keeping YOURSELVES OCCUPIED with a DOOD ROUTINE . AVOID MAKING BIG DECISIONS too SOON - If Possible , wait a YEAR or MORE Before Making BIG DECISIONS YOU May LATER REGRET . REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONE - Collect PICTURES and MEMEMTOS or WRITE in a JOURNAL To KEEP ALIVE YOUR MEMORY Of The PERSON WHO HAS DIED { I don't Know ABOUT " THIS " } .GET WAY - Make TIME for a CHANGE OF PACE -- EVEN If For Just A DAY or PART Of A Day . HELP OTHERS - Renew YOUR SENSE of Purpose By Doing Things for Those Who Needs HELP . Including OTHERS Affected by THE LOSS of YOUR LOVED ONE . REEVALUATE YOUR PRIORITIES - Use This Opportunity to GAIN NEW INSIGHTS into what TRULY MATTERS and , as NEEDED , Make ADJUSTMENTS to YOUR PRIORITIES . (( There is an APPOINTED TIME For Everything ...... A TIME TO WEEP and a TIME TO LAUGH : A TIME To WAIL and A TIME TO DANCE ." ( Ecclesiastes: 3:1,4 ) (( SORRY I have Nothing for CHILDREN GRIEF and GRIEVING PARENT For You )) copy - by - Pastor Henry George , Sask.
Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/17/2019 10:15 pm)
(((( An Appointed Time )))) Some People Misread these Inspired WORDS : " There is An Appointed Time for EVERYTHING ...... a TIME FOR BIRTH and TIME TO DIE . " They conclude That God has Decided The Exact Moment when EACH HUMAN WILL DIE . ( Ecclesiastes : 3:12, 2 ) How ever , that passage is actually commenting on the Cycle of Life and Nothing that DEATH is Our Common lot , God's Word also Teaches Our Own Decsions can affect Our life Span . . For example , We Read : " The Fear of Jehovah Prolongs Life ." ( Proverbs : 10:27 ) ; ( Isaiah : 55:3 ) ." HOw so ? for instance , Respect for God's Word will move Us to avoid such UNHEALTHY Practice as DRUNKENNESS and IMMORALITY ( 1 Corinthians : 6:9,10 ) Some take The Bible literally when it states that THE HEAVENS and THE EARTH are " Reserved for FIRE ," and They conclude that God will Destroy THIS PLANET . ( 2 Peter : 3:7 ) But God promise that He will NEVER allow The Literal EARTH to be DESTROYED .God " Has established THE EARTH on its Foundations ; it will not be MOVED from Its Place Forever and Ever ." ( Psalm : 104:5 : Isaiah : 45:18 ) It is this Corrupt World System of Things , not the Literal Planet , that will meet its Permanent END , as if Destroyed By FIRE . As for The HEAVENS , when THE WORD is Meant LITERALLY , it may refer either to THE SKY , THE STARRY UNIVERSE , or God's PLACE of Dwellling . None of these will be DESTROYED . ( copy - by - ) Pastor Henry George , Sask.
((( ASLEEP in DEATH ))) As Jesus later Promised , The Day will Come when ALL Those who are in God's Memory will Hear Christ's Voice and Come Out of The Grave , Opening THEIR EYES to a Beautiful and Peaceful NEW WORLD ( john: 5:28,29 ) ((( LIKE SLEEP ))) DEATH Is LIKE SLEEP in that THE DEAD Are UNCONSIOUS and CANNOT Do ANYTHING . However , THE CREATOR Of LIFE Can BRING THE DEAD BCK By MEANS OF A RESURRECTION . In PROOF Of That < GOD EMPOWERED JESUS CHRIST To RASIE SEVERAL DEAD PEOPLE TO LIFE ( Ecclesiastes : 9:5 : John : 11; 11 , 43 , 44 ) ((( PROMISED ))) God has PROMISED that THE DEAD Who are in HIS MEMORY will Be RESURRECTED TO LIFE IN A RIGHTEOUS NEW WORLD . Those Who will BE RESURRECTED Must REMAIN IN DEATH Until GOD Gives THEM LIFE AGAIN . ALMIGHTY GOD YEARNS To USE HIS POWER TO RESTORE LIFE TO THE DEAD ( Job : 14:14 , 15 ) ((( REMEMBER THIS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN GOD and JESUS CHRIST anf LIVE IN GOD'S LAW TO GET THESE THINGS ))) ( copy - by - ) Pastor Henry George , Sask.
Last edited by PastorHenryGeorge (7/21/2019 5:35 pm)
(( God's Watchful CARE )) Jesus Christ , who Knows The Creator better than anyone else , taught : "Two Sparrows sell for a COIN of Small Value , do they not ? Yet not One of Them will Fall to The Ground without Your Father's Knowledge . But even THE HAIRS of Your Head are ALL NUMBERED So have NO FEAR ; YOU are WORTH MORE THAN MANY SPARROW ( Matthew :10:29-31 ) { I like to KNOW WHY GOD PICK ON THE BIRD SPARROW ALL THE TIME, When God or Jesus Christ make A STATEMENT ; not Other WILD BIRDS } POOR SPARROW ! ( copy - by - ) Pastor Henry George , Sask.